Golfzon introduction

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5x Best Simulator Voted by Golf Digest

what to expect with golfzon

With vivid graphics, sophisticated training features, an extensive online service, VISION makes your golf experience even more enjoyable. The Golfzon simulators are so realistic you'll forget you're playing golf indoors.

t1 Sensor

The T1 sensor, using high-speed camera provides the most accurate measurement. Also, the T1 sensor is installed on the ceiling, the booth is wider than ever. You feel like you're standing on the tee box

swing plate

The Swing Plate automatically adjusts to uphill, downhill, and sidehill lies by simulating course slopes from the tee box to the putting green

vision mat

Fairway, rough, green mat deliver an environment similar to real golf courses
*COMING SOON*: Book Tee Time Now!
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creating a g-hcp

G-HCP is a new way of measuring handicap of golf simulator users.  It was developed based on GOLFZON`s own massive 220 million round data, accumulated and analyzed during 7 years from 2014.

Option 1:

Users with 20 or more completed rounds

Your G-HCP is calculated by taking an average of your 10 best scores our of your most recent 20 scores. Adjustments to your G-HCP are made for mulligan and concede settings, round settings, course ratings, and course slope.

option 2:

Users with less than 20 completed rounds

Your G-HCP is calculated by taking an average of the best half of your current round scores. Adjustments to your G-HCP are made for mulligan and concede settings, round settings, course ratings, and course slope.

*COMING SOON*: Book Tee Time Now!

Leveling up with golfzon

Eagle: LEss than +5 G-HCP

- Gold Eagle: Top 10% of Eagle players
- Silver Eagle: Next 30% of Eagle players
- Bronze Eagle: Low 60% of Eagle players

hawk: +6 - +18 G-HCP

- Gold Hawk: Top 10% of Hawk players
- Silver Hawk: Next 30% of Hawk players
- Bronze Hawk: Low 60% of Hawk players

Crane: +19 - +35 G-HCP

- Gold Crane: Top 10% of Crane players
- Silver Crane: Next 30% of Crane players
- Bronze Crane: Low 60% of Crane players

magpie: +36 - +52 G-HCP

- Gold Magpie: Top 10% of Magpie players
- Silver Magpie: Next 30% of Magpie players
- Bronze Magpie: Low 60% of Magpie players

Sparrow: +53 - +73 G-HCP

- Gold Sparrow: Top 10% of Sparrow players
- Silver Sparrow: Next 30% of Sparrow players
- Bronze Sparrow: Low 60% of Sparrow players

*COMING SOON*: Book Tee Time Now!

join the Golfzon players club

player account to track scores, G-hcp, swing video, tournaments, and more!

save custom player info like club distances, tee height, etc.

earn trophies, achievements, and level up!

players cards are available for $10 each which allows you to swipe your card instead of enter your information at the beginning of play.

sign up for the players club here!